Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Pull around..."

In this profession, I have learned, planning is absolutely pointless. Whether it's waiting in the docks, stuck in traffic, snowed in, or being inspected by the fine folks at Wisconsin DOT, something is going to happen that rips my neat little plan to shreds. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle. If you picked up on that reference, good for you. If not, you were deprived as a child.

Around noon, after seeing traffic moving pretty well and not hearing any horror stories on the CB, I decided it was time to get back on the road. The roads were damp but clear, it wasn't snowing, and the sun was trying to peek through. Five seconds later, I couldn't see the pavement in front of me. The snow didn't last long and I made it out of Michigan and through Indiana without any problems. Then into Illinois. Chicago traffic was, well, Chicago traffic.

As soon as I get into Wisconsin, I go over the scales and get the dreaded "Pull around to the inspection garage" sign. I knew I wasn't overweight, so I figured I was just the unlucky sap they decided to pick on. The officer checked my lights and brakes, looked over my logs and paperwork and told me I could go, but that I needed to get the trailer brakes adjusted soon. So I made my delivery in Menasha and headed to the yard to drop the trailer. So much for picking up the load to Florida. It actually worked out well because I can get the shop to install my inverter and fix the driver's seat while I'm here, hopefully.

1 comment:

pa said...

hey Bret, I see that you are having a early white Thanksgiving! Be safe, being late on a delivery is better than having an accident. Dad said that you really like drivng, i'm glad you like trucking. I enjoyed seeing all of the diverse landscape and terrain when I was driving. I hope to see you soon so you can tell me about the places you have been. Love you, your uncle lary. B safe!