Monday, November 17, 2008

Temple, GA

The first day back to work is always the hardest, isn't it? I got
started at 7am and hit some rush hour traffic around Atlanta. Not
long after I got on the road, the Qualcomm beeped with my next load.
I was to pick up a load at the same place I was dropping off going to
Oakwood, GA (basically right back where I came from). When I
responded with my concern about making the 8am appointment, the
dispatcher didn't seem to understand my predicament. You know, the
whole part about me needing to get fuel, eat lunch and dinner, do
paperwork, sleep, etc. So, I pretty much have zero downtime on this
load. I stopped at 7pm and will be back on the road when my break is
up at 5am. Needless to say, I am tired and will be going to bed

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