Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Miami, FL - 6/17/09

I made it to Miami without paying so much as a penny in tolls. Take that, Florida. I had a nice, leisurely, speed-limit ride all the way down the coast, that is until I got to Miami. The last four miles took about half an hour - because there was a wreck on the other side of the divided highway. The *other side* of the * divided* highway. People just wanted to look. And I just wanted them to go. We've all been in a traffic jam where people drive in a rude, careless, and ignorant manner, so I'll spare you the details.

I had plenty of time to spare today, so I grabbed a shower this morning and had a sit-down lunch this afternoon. The weather has been great and I already have a load back to Alabama. All in all, a good day.

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