Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Marshall, TX

This is the kind of downtime I could grow accustomed to. In the absence of a suitable local truckstop, I opted to spend the evening in the comfort of a motel. It's the little things in life...

I got rolling as soon as my 10-hr break was up this morning and made my appointment with 30 minutes to spare. Though, by the time I actually signed in, 30 minutes had elapsed. My delivery, as I found out, was at the Red River Army Depot. As I also found out, so were about twenty other deliveries. And we somehow managed to all arrive at the same time. Fantastic. Because, you know, a bunch of truck drivers and government bureaucracy mix so well. After standing in line for twenty minutes, I finally got to the counter of the first office I was to visit. After being subjected to the rigorous security investigation - "Are you an American citizen?" - and signing some papers, I was allowed to proceed to office #2 to pick-up my badge. All trucks have to be inspected before entering the facility and, of course, by the time I got out of the offices, several trucks had already queued up in the inspection line. At this point, I really shouldn't be surprised.

After getting unloaded, I rolled south on US-59 into Marshall. I'm set to pick-up my next load in the morning and head to Wisconsin. Hopefully the snow has melted by now.

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