Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back in the saddle

I can be awake all day, come on duty at 10pm, and drive all night. Perfectly legal. Good thing the FMCSA is looking out for drivers' safety. Knowing I was going to have to drive tonight, I tried to take a nap this afternoon, but it didn't last long. Cats walking on my head and whatnot.

We're in Shelby, NC for the night, about 6 miles from the consignee.


Bindy said...

What is FMCSA, I am guessing Federal Motor carrier safety administration. Cats walking on your head and Mom calling to see what was up (ie what not) Sorry if I interrupted your nap, I would rather you get your sleep so you can be awake to drive.

bf said...

You guessed correctly. Not to worry, I had long since given up on napping and was wide awake when you called.